Parent's Rules

  • 1- If the parents have any grievance/ suggestions to offer, they are welcome to write to the Principal or to meet him in person from 01 .00p.m.
  • 2- Since parents and teachers have a common goal of bringing into children and all round development of personality, physical, mental and moral, we appeal to the parents for their full co-operation in all matters concerning the education of their children.
  • 3- Please see your child’s diary every day and follow the Principal’s/ teacher’s remarks and messages, and sign as a proof of it
  • 4- Please send your child to school only if he/she is physically fit and is in a position to continue until the classes are over..
  • 5- If a child is absent one/two days due to any reason, please mark in the dairy in the respective column of ABSENT NOTES.
  • 6- Please co-operate with the school authorities and staff in enforcing school rules and discipline, observing that your child studies regularly at home, comes to school regularly and timely, maintains a continuity in his/her school work and effectively takes helpful interest in the school activity.
  • 7- Parents are advised to see that good habits pertaining to studies morality, food and health, which are taught in the school, are continued when children are at home.
  • 8- Student’s regularity and punctuality is to be maintained. No leave is accepted without absent notes. It is mandatory for the parents to inform about leave/absence of their ward well in advance to the school.
  • 9- See that your ward has all textbooks, items of stationery, craft materials etc., right in the beginning of the session.
  • 10-Ensure that all the books and notebooks are covered with the brown paper.
  • 11- Ensure that your ward comes to the school in the proper uniform with polished shoes, trimmed hair and clean nails.
  • 12- Intimate to the school in case of change in address, telephone number.
  • 13- Do not walk into the classroom or meet the teacher in the classroom. Meet the teacher only with a prior appointment through the Principal.”
  • 14- Do not send money or valuable articles with the students. The school owes no responsibility, if they are lost.
  • 15. Students must be directed by their parents to maintain cordial relation with their classmates and pay respect to the Teacher, Non-teaching staff and senior students too.